How Evacuation Orders Actually Work

Separate from whatever is happening with zoning, there is an important point that needs to be emphasized. Once an Evacuation Order is in place, the public (e.g. us) are not allowed into the area. So you can’t go pick up your kids or your pets if you’re someplace else. For extreme situations like a person who can’t leave, then emergency responders can potentially help escort. (I’m not arguing for/against how this works, but that is the law, and is what would be enforced here if it comes to that).

All the schools have evacuation plans, including combinations of buses, and potentially sheltering in place if needed. For parents, it’d be great to ensure that you and your children know what those plans are, and how you’ll stay in touch in the event of an evacuation.

Assuming there is advance warning, this is another great reason to leave when and if we have an Evacuation Warning, and not wait for the Evacuation Order. 

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